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How global brands are perceived by top business leaders

A new GlobalData project seeks to shed light on the attitudes of business leaders towards some of the world’s leading companies

New breakthroughs in asset finance – navigating challenges and exploiting opportunities

The current state of asset finance is finely balanced between challenges – like economic headwinds and regulatory shifts – and opportunities – like novel business models and the rise of automation. New software options are providing firms with the tools they need

How software-as-a-service (Saas) is helping to revolutionise business efficiency

Organisations need the right kind of software platforms on their side, both for day-to-day operations and when looking to expand. But, with many different software deployment models available, awareness of the evolving costs and benefits of each is crucial

The future of business ecosystems: what asset financers need to know

Business ecosystems are helping firms to embrace new technologies and grow. Trailblazing companies of tomorrow will be adept at collaborating as well as competing

Software implementation for asset financers: how to get it right

Asset finance companies seek razor-thin advantages to stay ahead of the competition, and cutting-edge software can help with this. But disrupting existing systems landscapes and establishing new ones can be difficult.

How evolution in finance can revolutionise energy efficiency

A divorce between rhetoric and action has marked the transition towards renewable energy. Bold new models of finance will be crucial for bridging the gap