The Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI) celebrated its centenary on 24 October with a gala dinner at the Dorchester Hotel in London, attended by representatives of parliament, the Finance & Leasing Association and the trade and national press.

Alec Murray, chairman of the RMI, addressed attendees and reminded them of the Federation’s beginnings in 1913 as a retail body called the Motor Agents Association. With the acceptance of franchised dealerships and independent garages 25 years ago, the Association became the RMI as a unified forum and now lists more than 8,000 member sites.

Among the many members congratulated by Murray, the National Franchised Dealers Association was commended for its lobbying work, particularly over sector-specific block exemption regulation, in the UK and Europe. Likewise the National Association of Motor Auctions was commended for the launch of its grading system, as was the National Motorcycle Dealers Association for its dealer attitude survey.

Attendees were also presented with a book – RMI 100: A Century of the Retail Motor Industry Federation – by Alex Wells.